
Responsible for content

Club ERIC represented through:

Martina Schwarz
Hofzeile 22
1190 Vienna


The contents of our pages have been created with the utmost care. However, we cannot assume any liability for the accuracy, completeness, and up-to-dateness of the contents. 

All content and works on this website, including but not limited to texts, images, graphics, and videos, are our exclusive property and are protected under Austrian copyright law. Any form of duplication, processing, distribution, or commercialization of our materials beyond the limits of copyright law is strictly prohibited without our prior written consent. We reserve all rights to our content, and unauthorized use of any part of our website’s content is subject to legal action.

Privacy Policy:
The privacy of visitors to our website is taken seriously. You can find our privacy policy here.. It explains the processing and protection of personal data.


The website was realised by Rafael Ungvari